Tuesday, February 17, 2009

121308 – Commercial Shoot

Sorry it has taken me so long to get this updates in.  Just one of those things that seems to happen over the holiday seasons.  Once again a very busy weekend, but I can’t image anything I would rather be doing.  All of these images where shoot in the Presidential Suite at the new Springhill Suites.  Simply an amazing room to work in as you can see.  This “SUPER” weekend started off around 4pm on Friday evening and concluded late morning Sunday.  Yes, a very long weekend with 16 models and 10,000+ images.  But worth every minute.

“Thanks ladies for making this weekend such a total success”

amanda1 amanda4 brandi3maria2 amber1 brandi1 amanda5brandi2   brandi4 brandi6  deidre1 jessica3 jamie1 jessica2chandra1 deidre2 maria1

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