Saturday, September 1, 2012

Daughter Time

Yes, this is my daughter (can’t you see the family resembles, and yes this is one of the things we love to do together.  She has grown up so fast and has become so good at modeling I just had to share of few from this last weekend.

IMG_0188 IMG_0224 IMG_0979IMG_1031

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Heather H – Senior 2013

I just love it when a Senior comes to me with tons of ideas and a full year to shoot it all in.  Thank you for spending the day with me Heather and turning out some amazing shots.

HeatherH2012-1 HeatherH2012-2HeatherH2012-4HeatherH2012-3 HeatherH2012-5 HeatherH2012-6

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Senior Picture Push..

A nice little bonus of having a father that is a photographer.  A perfect afternoon to get outside and get a jump start on my daughter senior picture.

041812-Brittney01 041812-Brittney02041812-Brittney03 041812-Brittney04

More to come……