Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kelli – Senior Session

Another busy weekend has come to and end and what a way to go out with a bang.  Thank you so much Kelli for spending the afternoon with me and working on your senior pictures.


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Go Warriors – Senior Session

You could have asked for a better day to get out and shoot something.  Lucky for PHS Photography we got to spend the morning with this Washington Warrior Senior.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Seniors – ROCK !!!

Just a quick walk in the park and magic…

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Steph - Modeling

What a fantastic way to spend a gorgeous Saturday evening.  Thank you so much for all the prep work you put into this shoot.  You did an amazing job with all the props and it completely shows in the images.

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lora – Family Portraits

I know I haven’t put posting here as much as I should, but what can I say I've been extremely busy with everything.  What a great morning to be out shooting.  A little wet from all the fog but perfect lighting with the over cast skies.  Lora you have amazing boys, and it was a pleasure working with three of the most well mannered kids I can remember ever shooting. 


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Monday, August 3, 2009


Another great weekend to be outside shooting. Another senior getting ready to make the big graduation plunge and head on out into the world.  Thank you Michelle and Joan for spending a couple hours with me working on senior pictures.


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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Red Door

A little portfolio building with Brittney W.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009


First of several photo shoots planned for this weekend and I must say we are off to an incredible start.  Thank you Rachelle for taking the time out of your busy schedule and helping make this happen.  Sorry the water was so incredibly cold.  I placed a call to the city parks and asked them to warm it up for you but I'm guessing they didn’t get the message.  A true trooper…anything for the picture…blue lips and all.


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Friday, July 10, 2009


She’s BACK !!!  I’ve worked with Ashley several times over the last few years and after taking a year or so off from modeling she has returned. 

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Keep and eye on this girl, she has the motivation and the drive to really go far in this business.


What an amazing day to get out and shot. This last week has been nothing but overcast and raining so I figured today would be a complete wash out. Boy was I wrong. Good luck with your competition and I look forward to working with you again soon.

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